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Writer's pictureDr. Soul

You have layers... like an onion?

A part of the Twin Flames Series


No, this isn't another ogre joke! You really do have layers like an onion. Some are paper thin and crispy, pulling away easily, some are thick and meaty clinging determinedly to the layer below it, and all are wrapped tightly around a central core of delicate green that is your true self that like an onion's core is how you grow.

Get your chuckles out of the way, then think about it for a few minutes. The basic foundation of the twin flames is truth. That truth that can only be found in your central core, your true self. A place in all of us that we rarely know or understand.

When we are talking onions and layers we are talking about our twin flames journey. More specifically we are discussing the understanding of how those layers are formed and the true flame connections that help us to remove them.

Let's start at the beginning of your twin flames journey; understanding how the layers are formed.

Like the onion, as you grow and mature, your environment adds layers to the core of self that you are born with. Your environment is going to be as different from your neighbor's as an onion grown in the desert sand is going to be different from one that is grown in rich black soil. This is very important to understand because it means that your journey is always going to be your own. You will never be able to expect someone else to do the work for you.

The environment which creates your layers encompasses everything from societal "norms", family and religious beliefs, the physical environment and even that kid in the 3rd grade who made fun of your homemade ogre Halloween costume. Literally everything that touches you in your life can add a layer covering your core and preventing you from knowing your true self.

Quite simply these layers are lies.

The quantity, thickness and strength of the layers is determined by the impact on you. A societal "norm" that was strictly enforced as you grew up could cause you to hold tightly to it even at cost to yourself creating a thick clinging layer; while a "norm" that your family ignored as if not important could barely register and be a layer that is paper thin and crispy, and easily removed. These layers and their creation is how people lose their true selves, and why there can be such things as "false positive" or multiple twin flames.

I can hear you now thinking "What...? Multiple twin flames? "False positive" twin flames? That can't be true I just read in a recent Cosmo article that there could be only one twin flame."

Here are the laws for true twin flames.

1. A true twin flame connection is based on truth.

2. That truth can only be reached when you know your true self.

3. You can only know your true self if you don't have layers of lies covering your core.

Given the above, all multiple twin flame and "false positive" twin flame connections are connections that are the twin flame attraction to the layers that are visible at that time in your journey.

At the beginning of your journey your true self is hidden behind multiple layers, the outermost layer being what you think of as who you are. Usually the layer is accompanied by a nagging in your subconscious "Is this really me? Is this all there is? WTF...?" This layer and all the ones below it that will be peeled away and revealed throughout your twin flames journey are magnets that resonate with different people. They will feel like a match because they are one, to that layer or layers, but not to your true self. Therefore they are not going to be your one true twin flame, born of the truth. These layer resonating, "false positive" twin flame connections are what burn away your layers; often in messy and sometimes unpleasant ways, but always driving closer to your truth.

I hope you have a better understanding of the basic foundation of the beginning of the twin flames journey (my onion humor aside).

To really understand not only what the twin flames journey is, but to have answered all of the questions that are darned hard to get answered, please join us for our extremely popular upcoming live Twin Flames Revealed online workshop on February 21st.


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